We love to profile Headshot Photography Clients in Salinas

We love our headshot photography clients in Salinas and beyond. There are, however, some who stand out from the crowd. Victor Rey is one of those clients we admire and feel honoured to work with. He tirelessly supports people in Salinas.
It's easy to see why the expression "If you want something done, ask a busy person" applies to Victor.
Victor's Impact on Salinas and Beyond
Victor's energy and commitment seem boundless. He holds a demanding position at Dole while co-owning Living Legacy Health and Financial Wellness with his wife Bernardita Avila. Yet, he still finds time to give back to Salinas in incredible ways. Victor serves as the president of the Salinas Valley Health Board of Directors and volunteers with organizations in the community. It's hard to imagine how he fits it all in!
"I appreciate the kudos, but don't do it for the recognition, said Victor when we reached out to him for the client profile. "It’s an honor to work with so many people in Salinas, including the team at Juan Avila Photography. Thank you for taking the time to showcase our community.”
The Power of Community & Collaboration
Victor's story reminds us that one person can make a huge difference in their community and shows the importance of collaboration. At Juan Avila Photography, we've been fortunate to work alongside Victor on various projects, including his headshot for the Board of Directors at Salinas Valley Health. Through this, we've witnessed first-hand his passion and work's positive impact on Salinas (and Monterey County in general).

Headshots and more
What's also great about working with Victor is he's so relaxed in front of my lens. He comes to the studio to get new headshots, and the time flies by. To be honest, I think he's one of those people who puts me at ease more than I put him at ease... It's usually my role with clients, but hey, that's Victor for you.

Anyway, we love profiling great clients, and we're making this a regular feature here at Juan Avila Photography.
Stay tuned for more.
If you want to give Victor kudos, please comment on our LinkedIn post or email us at info@juanavilaphotography.com, and we'll pass them on to him.
We're so grateful to the Salinas community—the people make a living, and working here is fantastic. Learn more about our headshot photography.